06. Banking On The New World Order | New World Order / Deep State | Sovereign’s Handbook

By Johnny Liberty

National I.D. Cards and Tracking

The federal U.S. government corporation informally accepted the Social Security Number (SSN) as a “National Identity Card” along with the new USA Passport with an e-chip. The State-issued driver’s license serves as a backup ID for many non-federal purposes. 

In the works, is a Digital Bank ID card with government cryptocurrency to further centralize a Global ID system to track purchases and travel along with a reward and punishment “social credit” system that rolled out in China in 2020 and Canada in 2022.

The Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 enabled the U.S. Secret Service to create profiles of potential assassins, and the Internal Re-Venue Service (IRS) to create a Debtor Master File listing nearly one million people who allegedly still owed money to various government agencies.

“Give me your social security number and I can find out anything about you.” ~ IRS Agent, Retired

The Tax Reform Act of 1986 requires all children be assigned Social Security Numbers (SSNs) by “enumeration at birth” programs. This was accomplished under Threat, Duress and Coercion (TDC) without the voluntary consent of the parents at the hospital after delivering the baby. 

Hospitals told parents they could not leave the hospital without getting a SSN. Having your baby at home is a better option if you do not want to be forced to receive a SSN through this program.

For taxpayers, failure to getting SSNs for your children may result in the loss of dependent deductions for tax purposes and welfare programs. All real estate transactions must be reported to the Internal Re-Venue Service (IRS) by both the seller and broker, if a real estate broker is involved. A private sale is a better option.

A National IRS database lists every homeowner in the United States. If you move, you are supposed to notify the DMV or IRS within 10-45 days.

The Bureau of Engraving and Printing called for the creation of a counterfeit-proof currency with a strip that can be electronically tracked. Have you noticed the electronic thread in today’s $20, $50 and $100 bills?  

We are moving rapidly toward a “cashless” society with all transactions accounted for with central bank-issued debit/credit cards. This may take a few more years to fully implement. If you are operating a legitimate International Business Corporation (IBC) or a Private Foundation (PF) in a foreign bank, your company can receive a VISA/MC debit card for use in any cash machine in the world. In 2018, there are online systems for multiple currency transactions via any countrie’s ATMs, for example, wise.com.

If you file your Internal Re-Venue (IRS) taxes online, electronic transfers of your IRS-calculated tax returns may be subtracted automatically from your bank account. If the IRS decides you have underpaid for any reason, they can take the funds directly from your bank account. 

Estimated income taxes can also be automatically deducted from your bank account on a monthly basis. Do your taxes on old fashioned paper forms and submit by mail whenever possible.Non-Profit Organizations must file their tax returns electronically as of 2022. 

The IRS identifies when people buy and sell gold over a specified amount. The broker might require a SSN for the transaction and the seller may report the transaction to the IRS. This could be a first step toward yet another gold confiscation such as FDR did in 1934. 

If you have an inventory of gold, silver or precious metals, keep them very private and secured. As a sovereign “state” Citizen, you are not required to hand over your gold silver, or precious metals to the government. As a “U.S. citizen” you are in federal jurisdiction and required to obey every “statute” and Executive Order (EO) of the corporation. That is unless you protest such “mandates”.

On at least three occasions, the federal U.S. government has impounded private stocks of gold — the Revolutionary War, the American Civil War and after the U.S. government’s bankruptcy in 1933. Anti-hoarding laws or Executive Orders (EOs) may be  enforced for U.S. citizens stockpiling food, water, medicine, or other survival items.  

The Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act of 1970, or Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), requires all United States banks to maintain copies of all transactions, record the SSN of anyone opening a new account and turn in the name of anyone who fails to provide this information within 45 days to the U.S. Treasury Department. Since 2021, bank transactions greater

Cash deposits greater than $3,000 are reported to the IRS via a Currency Transaction Report (CTR). The Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) limits the amount of cash dollars leaving the country to $10,000 USD and makes significant changes in the treatment of foreign bank accounts which must be reported on the tax return. This does not include $10,000 USD in gold, silver or precious metals leaving the country which is calculated on the face value of the coins, not the market value.

The Internal Re-Venue Service (IRS), as a government record-keeping operation and collection agency for the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB), has the authority by contract to snoop into the private financial lives of every “U.S. citizen” hooked into the information grid, then share that information with other federal agencies by request. 

The IRS was given new “asset forfeiture” powers to criminal investigation departments, which may delegate their authority to any of tens of thousands of IRS Special Agents. If the value of the property is assessed at $500,000 or less, the IRS Special Agent may publish a binding Notice of Sale of Seized Property. All this and much more is waged as a war against “U.S. citizens” every single day, despite the fact, as you will discover in the next chapters, that the IRS has no authority whatsoever to operate in the sovereign states of the constitutional Republic.”

The Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) requires U.S. financial institutions to assist U.S. government agencies to detect and prevent money laundering activities overseas. Specifically, the Act requires financial institutions to keep records of cash purchases of negotiable instruments, file reports of cash transactions exceeding $3,000 (daily aggregate amount), and report suspicious activity that might signify money laundering, tax evasion or any other criminal activity. It was passed by the U.S. Congress in 1970. The BSA is sometimes referred to as the “anti-money laundering” law. 

Several “anti-money laundering” laws”, including provisions in Title III of the USA Patriot Act, were enacted to amend the BSA. (See 31 USC 5311-5330 and 31 CFR Chapter X [formerly 31 CFR Part 103]).

“The Depositor takes the risk in revealing his
affairs to another, that the information
 will be given to the government.”
~ Justice Lewis Powell

The Treasury Enforcement Communications Systems (TECS) was a computer-based information system designed to identify individuals and businesses suspected of involvement in violations of federal law. It was transferred to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). A terminal is in place at virtually every port of entry to the United States to screen suspected tax evaders, criminals or those suspected of removing excessive cash from the country. 

The Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 authorized the U.S. Treasury to monitor any movement of “U.S. citizens”, including reading license plate numbers. You have probably seen these cameras mounted on freeways, bridges and other intersections around the country to issue citations and track your movements. To protect yourself from this invasion of privacy, you may purchase a can of special spray paint from a spy store for your license plates so video cameras mounted on freeway poles cannot read your license plate number.

USA Passports may be withheld from someone who has failed to file tax returns or who has not paid their “required” income tax. Disputes with the IRS may result in the loss of travel privileges outside the “United States” until the dispute is resolved through the Tax Court.

All this legislation has led us toward a global system of financial tracking, surveillance and control, quite possibly one day administered by the United Nations (UN).

FinCEN Follows the Money 

The Financial Crime Enforcement Network (FinCEN) established a crime center in Arlington, VA, whereby via mega computers the government has combined hundreds of databases of bank records, criminal suspects, driving records, census data and myriads of business and financial activities of millions of honest, law-abiding “U.S. citizens”

FinCEN is a federal intelligence gathering network operating under the auspices of the U.S. Department of the Treasury. The goal of FinCEN is to collate, analyze and disseminate information on financial crimes, especially drug money laundering. FinCEN is an extensive spy network armed with sophisticated computer resources.

FinCEN has linked 13 intelligence organizations and 14 federal law enforcement agencies such as the NSA, CIA, FBI, BATF, DEA, SS, as well as the IRS, Interpol, and participating financial institutions. Every law enforcement group from the smallest local police department to the National Security Agency (NSA), can access FinCEN in their attempts to identify, track and prosecute criminals, or locate and neutralize those who may be a threat to the State.

“The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) is a bureau of the U.S. Treasury Department that collects and analyzes information about financial transactions in order to combat money laundering, terrorist financiers, and other financial crimes.  FinCEN was established by order of the Secretary of the Treasury in 1990.  In May 1994, its mission was broadened to include regulatory responsibilities. In addition, the Treasury Department’s Office of Financial Enforcement (OFE) was merged with FinCEN in October 1994.” 

“On September 26, 2002, the USA PATRIOT Act made FinCEN an official bureau in the Department of the Treasury. Under Section 314 of the USA PATRIOT Act, the Treasury Secretary is required to create a secure network for the transmission of information to enforce the relevant regulations.”  

“FinCEN’s regulations under Section 314 of the Act enable federal law enforcement agencies, through FinCEN, to reach out to more than 45,000 points of contact at more than 27,000 financial institutions to locate accounts and transactions of persons that may be involved in terrorist financing and/or money laundering. This cooperative partnership between the financial community and law enforcement allows disparate bits of information to be identified, centralized, and rapidly evaluated.”

Fingerprints, Not Liberty for All

Fingerprinting was designed to help track convicted criminals. Now, along with retina scanning, it is being used to track non-customers who do not have a checking account and want to cash a check drawn on a U.S. bank. If you do not have an account the bank may require you give a fingerprint before cashing the check.

Bankers associations in 16 states are encouraging financial institutions to put non-customers thumb prints on the backs of all checks, in case the individual turns out to be a crook.

Statistics on check fraud provide government planners with evidence to support the position that fingerprinting is the only possible solution to the problem. In Oregon, about a third of all financial institutions are currently using thumb prints for non-customers.“Virtually every financial institution either has or will implement the program,” said Diane Ness, chairwoman of Oregon’s Financial Institution Security Task Force.

There is some forward progress in 2010 on the fingerprinting mandate as some banks (e.g., Bank of America) have voluntarily withdrawn the requirement due to customer complaints or state legislation. 

By their rationale, some bank customers may commit fraud, thus it is only a matter of time before all bank customers are fingerprinted as well. Whenever the threshold is pushed and accepted, eventually it will be pushed further still. So what is next? An implanted computer biochip in the human body required for all banking transactions? The global elite have plans for that too. At what point will “U.S. citizens” draw the line and just say, “No”?

There are other solutions to the problem of check fraud which do not violate the basic rights and liberties of “U.S. citizens”, but this fingerprinting and retinal scanning solution imposes the monitoring and regulating of people not accused of a crime.

Have you noticed how more and more problems are solved in this manner, such as –increased restrictions for law-abiding gun owners, curfews for certain age groups, SSNs used as centralized identification, unconstitutional searches and body screening simply for traveling interstate on an airplane – the list of government intrusions goes on and on, and is growing rapidly. 

Like cattle ignorantly led to slaughter, far too many “U.S. citizens” are facilitating our gradual enslavement via ignorance, apathy and indifference. Those advocating total control put forth the argument that if an individual is not doing anything illegal, why worry about being monitored? 

This is serious and worthy of consideration, because what is “legal or illegal” are determined solely by those in power, and that changes daily on a whim of the legislature and law enforcement communities. Who holds the power over increasingly centralized tracking systems? We the People? No, certainly not anymore.

This extensive government monitoring of innocent people minding their own business is not consistent with the constitutional framework established by the Founders. Centralized tracking systems are evidence of a people being governed from the top-down in a “Democracy”, not a people governing themselves from the bottom-up in a “Republic”

Mexican Bailout Never Reached the People

The $25 billion that the federal U.S. government appropriated for Mexico during the 1994 economic crisis in Mexico never left New York, but went directly into Goldman-Sachs bank account. Guess who the U.S. President appointed to the position of U.S. Secretary of the Treasury after Lloyd Bentsen? 

None other than Robert Rubin, the CEO of Goldman-Sach’s bank account. This is the same man who set up the loan guarantees to the sovereign Republic of Mexico. This is a great example of the revolving door between government and private corporations.

Luis Malgoza, the official spokesman for Mexican Exiles for Democracy (MEFD) said, “There are 16,800,000 Mexicans (or less) forced to be guests of the united states of America because of the economic and political policies of Mexico. The government today in Mexico is one of the most corrupt in the world. The government has taken almost all of the natural resources, almost all of the human resources, almost all of the property and the money.”

“The world powers have tried to Balkanize the European continent while attempting to form one large imperial power in North America, very  much like the plans that Hitler had for Europe. They want one central power: the international financial community, which through the International Monetary Fund controls the interests and lives of a billion people on the North American continent.” ~ Luis Malgoza


  1. Wikipedia | The Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 (computer files of would be assassins and one million people owing the government money)
  2. Quote from Anonymous IRS Agent.
  3. Wikipedia | The Tax Reform Act of 1986 (act required people claiming children as dependents on their tax returns to obtain and list a Social Security number for every claimed child, to verify the child’s existence)(requires children to have SSN at birth through enumeration-at-birth programs).
  4. Wikipedia | Bureau of Engraving and Printing creating a counterfeit proof currency.
  5. Anti-hoarding laws have recently been passed making it illegal to stockpile more than 3 months of food or basic supplies.
  6. New forfeitures laws for expanding IRS powers, Perceptions Magazine (May/June 1995 p.81).
  7. Wikipedia | The Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act of 1970 (aka Bank Secrecy Act).
  8. Quote from Justice Lewis Powell.
  9. Wikipedia | Treasury Enforcement Communications System.
  10. Wikipedia | Financial Crime Enforcement Network (FinCEN): www.fincen.gov; Wikipedia | Suspicious Activity Report; Upright Ostrich by Don McAlvany, McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, August 1991 (largest government run, artificial intelligence database ever established with the police powers to investigate so called financial crimes against the New World Order); McAlvany Intelligence Advisor www.mcalvanyintelligenceadvisor.com 
  11. Media Bypass Magazine (April 1996). 
  12. iewed by Shay McNamara; Bank of America to halt fingerprinting of non-customer check-cashers by Kevin Landrigan, The Telegraph (1/15/10).
  13. Wikipedia | Mexican Peso Crisis; North American News Service, Spring’96, p.24-25.

Source: Sovereign’s Handbook by Johnny Liberty (30th Anniversary Edition), p.259 – 264


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06. Seizure Fever, The War on Property Rights | New World Order / Deep State | Sovereign’s Handbook

By Johnny Liberty

Asset Forfeiture Law Enforcement Program

Once upon a time it seemed like a fine idea to seize the property of convicted felons. That was in 13th century England, before the Magna Carta (1215) reforms were instituted. Zealous modern-day, anti-drug warriors forgot about the potential for abuse that government seizures induce when they decided to nip drug dealers in the bud by taking away the fruits of their profits beginning in the 1980s. 

Thus was born the “asset forfeiture law enforcement program”, as Cary H. Copeland, director of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Executive Office for Asset Forfeiture called it. Today, people’s properties are routinely seized , without a conviction, let alone a charge.

Asset forfeitures are such easy money for law enforcement groups that temptation has turned our “protectors into thieves” while doing little or nothing to stop the drug trade. An internal document summed up the problem, “Like children in a candy shop, the law enforcement community chose all manners and methods of seizing and forfeiting properties, gorging themselves in an effort which soon came to resemble one designed to raise revenues.” 

According to Steven Kessler, author of a three-volume study on federal and state forfeiture, “The use of forfeiture probably increased a hundred fold during the 1990s.” And why would it not? Police departments could suddenly, with little effort, rake in big, easy money with scant accountability. 

These widespread seizures and resulting forfeitures, included, for example: 1) $138,000 Lear Jet whose owner committed the crime of a typographical error on FAA paperwork; 2) apartment buildings owned by landlords who had not eradicated drug dealing on the premises; 3) $1.1 million dollar ranch in California due to a fabricated tip about marijuana plants (Donald Scott).

A technicality in asset forfeiture law allows the government to swoop down like vultures on the private property of U.S. citizens without due process. People may have certain rights under the law, but property does not. So the government sues the property instead of the owner and the property is guilty until proven innocent.

Often, the seizures occur on the basis of unsubstantiated rumors made by confidential government informers. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) often gives rewards to those who make accusations leading to an asset seizure. This is a far too cozy arrangement that generously funds law enforcement units and a mushrooming group of informers at the expense of “U.S. citizens”. 

U.S. Rep. Henry Hyde (IL) noted in 1993 that 80% of people who’ve had their property seized under federal drug laws are never formally charged. Many of them never get their property back. Why? Because if the asset is valuable and officials would like to keep it, the cost of suing the government for recovery often exceeds the value of the properties, attorneys cost a fortune, and a counterclaim requires the posting of a huge bond.


  1. Forfeitures: A License To Steal, ACLU Briefing Paper (on the legalized theft of drug forfeitures without due process); High Court Restrains Drug Case Forfeitures by Linda P. Campbell, Chicago Tribune News Service (retraining drug forfeitures without due process); Spectre of Forfeiture by Judy Osburn.
  2. Liberty International and The Slate | Do States Have the Right to Seize Vehicles for Minor Offenses?; AntiShyster, Volume 6, No. 3, p.30. Reviewed by Estar Holmes.

Source: Sovereign’s Handbook by Johnny Liberty (30th Anniversary Edition), p.258 – 259


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06. DNA Genetic Vampires and First Peoples’ Rights | New World Order / Deep State | Sovereign’s Handbook

By Johnny Liberty

Genetic Engineering and Property Rights

The science of genetic engineering raised questions about who owns the genetically manipulated materials that scientists experiment with in their laboratories, and whether the people from whom the raw materials are extracted have rights to the proceeds from the resulting commercialized products. 

This issue became particularly relevant during the massive gene-altering experiment administered to the majority of the human population without first revealing the long-germ effects.

The administration of genetically altering human DNA/RNA injections implied that the altered individual DNA became owned by the corporation that owned patents to the technology. If the mRNA is designed to replicate throughout the host body, do corporations producing the mRNA technology have claims on or now own the majority of humanity? 

Sounds preposterous, but considering legal precedent and the modus operandi of the Global Power structure, let us think about this again. The answer is not entirely clear at this time, but the following historical case may further illuminate some of the issues.

In 1984, the UC Los Angeles Medical Center developed a cell line valuable in fighting bacteria and cancer. The University filed a patent claim on the line that was commercially developed. The human from whom the cell was taken filed a lawsuit claiming that he was entitled to a share of profits. 

The California Supreme Court ruled in 1990 that a donor has no “property right” in tissue removed from his or her body. Moreover, remuneration to a donor would hinder research by restricting access to necessary raw materials, thereby interfering with the progress of science.

A patent claim was filed under the name of U.S. Secretary of Commerce, Ron Brown, on the cell of a Guayami woman from Panama in 1993. Her DNA was of special interest because the Guyami people carry a unique virus whose antibodies may be useful in AIDS and leukemia research. International protest and action by the Guyami General Congress and supporters led to a withdrawal of the patent claim.

The U.S. Department of Commerce filed patent claims on the DNA of indigenous people from the Solomon Islands. The government of the Solomon Islands declared the action was an invasion of sovereignty with lack of “informed consent” by the “donors”, then demanded the genetic samples be repatriated. 

The U.S. Commerce Secretary responded with a letter that read, “There is no provision for considerations related to the source of cells that may be the subject of a patent application.”

Human Genome Diversity Project

The Human Genome Diversity Project (HGDP) harvests cells from indigenous people worldwide. This raises troubling questions about the exploitation of indigenous people for their genetic assets. This is not organizationally related to the Human Genome Project.

The HGDP-CEPH Human Genome Diversity Cell Line Panel, is a resource of 1,063 cultured lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) from 1,050 individuals in 52 world populations, banked at the Foundation Jean Dausset-CEPH in Paris.

Since initially there existed a lack of international policy governing the human genetic material market, it was suggested that certain “contracts” may offer some control to those individuals who donate genetic materials.

However, contracts, treaties and other negotiations have historically provided indigenous people little protection from property-hungry interests. 

Furthermore, the idea of ownership and property rights being extended to all facets of the natural world is a western notion of law that is contrary to the concept of stewardship inherent in the cosmologies,  traditions and cultures of indigenous people.

Vampire Project Challenged by Indigenous Alliance

A consortium of scientists, universities, governments and private interests called the Human Genome Organization (HUGO) adopted the Human Genome Diversity Project (HGDP) in 1994 to further their objective of mapping the entire human DNA sequence.

The multinational, multi-billion dollar project focused on 772 groups of indigenous people on the assumption that they will inevitably become extinct. Called the Vampire Project, the effort consisted of researchers gathering blood, hair roots, cheek scrapings and saliva samples from living people.

The cell samples were harvested from 50 people per group. Dr. Luca Cavalli-Sforza, a principle founder of the project, said the scientific rationale for selecting 50 individuals per group is that, “One person can bleed 50 people and get on an airplane in one day.”

The invasive project was challenged by an international alliance of indigenous peoples from South, Central and North America. The “First People”, as many indigenous humans refer to themselves, resented being identified as “isolates of historic Interest” by HUGO, thus questioned, then resisted, the ethical implications of the entire plan.

Indigenous communities were not only concerned with the obvious exploitation of their body parts. They were alarmed that the consequent information could be used for “racist” agendas, even genocide and biological warfare.

The Human Genome Diversity Project was the brainchild of Dr. Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, a renowned population geneticist at Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA. He wants to reconstruct the recent history of homo sapiens via a comparison of the genomes of different human populations. Why? “Purely in the interest of science,” he contended. 

The implications of his project were reviewed by UNESCO’s International Bioethics Committee (IBC) in Paris, France. The group acknowledged the validity of the project’s scientific goals, but also endorsed the criticism of indigenous peoples, whose genes were the main targets of the research. Opponents of the project feared that indigenous groups would be exploited commercially by “genetic vampires”, doing Cavalli-Sforza’s bidding.

On the contrary, Dr. Cavalli-Sforza says the project should help to combat racism because experience so far shows that physiological and psychological intra-group differences are always greater than the mean differences between groups.

Dr. Cavalli-Sforza says, ”I have become used to being called a planner of genocide and of being accused of economic interest. My main aim is to defend the project and defend science.”

Human Tissue Enterprise Linked to U.S. Military

Human genetic material is routinely exchanged between the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and biological warfare medical units at the Fort Detrick near Washington D.C., according to a report by the Rural Advancement Foundation (RAFI).

Fort Detrick is infamous for its history as the U.S. military’s primary biological warfare research center and medical intelligence headquarters for the U.S. Department of Defense, also home of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) unit charged with monitoring medical data gleaned from foreign populations.

Initially, thousands of human tissue samples collected from indigenous people and isolated communities around the world were evaluated by the biotechnology industry, academic researchers, and the government. 

“There appear to be no policy or protocol barriers or ethical consideration to the routine exchange of foreign human cell lines between civilian researchers in the U.S. government and their military counterparts,” said RAFI Executive Director, Pat Roy.


  1. Wikipedia | Human Genome Project.
  2. Wikipedia | Human Genome Diversity Project; Patenting of Life and Its Implications for Indigenous Peoples, Debra Harry, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy; North American News Service, Summer ‘96, p.17.
  3. Human Genome Organization (HUGO).
  4. Nature  (October 5, 1995); The Human Genome Diversity Project and Its Implications for Indigenous Peoples, Debra Harry, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy; Abya Yala News, Spring 1995; Reviewed by Estar Holmes, Summer ‘96, p.17.
  5. Edward Hammond, principal author of the communiqué, New Questions About Management and Exchange of Human Tissues at NIH/Indigenous Persons Cells Patented.

Source: Sovereign’s Handbook by Johnny Liberty (30th Anniversary Edition), p.254 – 257


Sovereign’s Handbook by Johnny Liberty 
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Dawning of the Corona Age: Navigating the Pandemic by Johnny Freedom 
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06. RFID, Microchip / Biochip Implants and mRNA Vaccines | New World Order / Deep State | Sovereign’s Handbook

By Johnny Liberty

“A procedure that takes only seconds to carry out turned the Jacobs family into medical pioneers. They were the first people to get ‘chipped’ – implanted with tiny devices called VeriChip that emit radio frequencies. The chip is a personal ID that also contains vital medical information. Jeff and Leslie Jacobs, along with their 14-year-old son, Derek, had the tiny chips implanted in their arms. Each chip is about the size of a grain of rice. Insertion takes about a minute under local anesthesia.”

“Before long, it’s going to be very difficult to get lost,” according to Charles R. Trimble, president of Trimble Navigation Ltd. Trimble is one of several high-tech firms interested in producing portable receivers capable of picking up GPS signals from anywhere in the world.

Meanwhile, European scientists developed the first biochip implants that could be read by tilizing the Global Positioning System (GPS). These implants contained a data chip that not only stored information about its host, but could also accurately locate an individual. 

DMV Micro-Information System

In the 1990s, Symbol Technology, Inc. developed a “micro-information system” for Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV)’s nationwide. Information about a vehicle, its owner, and any liens held against it were stored. The system, called PDF-417, could be adapted to provide “traffic analysis” of a vehicle’s movements, and any traffic fines incurred can be reported directly via cell phones. 

USA Passports Have RFID Chips

All USA Passports issued after 2007 have an RFID chip in them. All credit and debit cards have had the microchip embedded as well.

The USA Passport’s RFID-chip contains your biometrics, fingerprints, photos, iris scan, height, date of birth, etc. It also links to other data such as previous travel, plus any alerts and warrants etc.

The mRNA COVID-19 vaccine unleashed on an unsuspecting public was a bioweapon intended to damage human DNA permanently. This is another holocaust in the making. Do not be fooled by the marketing hype and the FDA safety studies (which never happened).  ~ Dr. Francis Boyle 

COVID-19  and mRNA Vaccines

During and after the COVID-19 “plandemic”, contrary to Anthony Fauci’s initial false claims, the mRNA genetic experiment resulted in widespread outbreaks or breakthrough cases (variants) among the general populace, athletes and cruise ship passengers who were 100% “vaccinated”. These “vaccinated” individuals, not the unvaccinated and those with natural immunity, were health threats to themselves and others.

The number of cases were falsified by public health officials and the propaganda media.  Case were and are irrelevant since they were based on flawed testing protocols (PCR) and false positives. The ”unvaccinated” who were healthy were no threat to the vaccinated. Those who already had COVID-19 and recovered, theoretically, had already developed natural immunity and were no threat to others.

“…mRNA vaccines intervene directly in the genetic material of the patient and therefore alter the individual genetic material, which represents the genetic manipulation, something that was already forbidden and considered criminal. This intervention can be compared to
genetically manipulated food…”
~ Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Children’s Health Defense


  1. CBS News | First Microchip Family. 
  2. Liberty International, Principia Scientific International and Mint Press News | DARPA’s Bio Chip Implants Due Out 2021.
  3. Perceptions Magazine (May/June 1996); Reviewed by Estar Holmes, North American News Service, Summer ‘96, p38.
  4. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on passports.
  5. Liberty International | International Attorney Dr. Francis Boyle: ‘Bioweapon’ mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Violate Nuremberg Ruling Against Nazi Cruelty (video); Liberty International and Global Research | “Our Species is Being Genetically Modified”: Humanity’s March Toward Extinction? Analysis of the Microbiome and Virome; Liberty International | COVID-19 Did Not Naturally Occur By Animal to Human Contact.
  6. Amazon | Dawning of the Corona Age: Navigating the Pandemic by Johnny Freedom; Liberty International | COVID-19 Vaccine Advice From a Doctor; COVID vaccines are mRNA vaccines. mRNA vaccines are a completely new type of vaccine. No mRNA vaccine has ever been licensed for human use before. In essence, we have absolutely no idea what to expect from this vaccine. We have no idea if it will be effective or safe; Liberty International and Sharyl Attkisson | Pandemic of the Vaccinated; Liberty International and The Epoch Times | Dr. Robert Malone to Joe Rogan: US in ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ Over COVID-19; Liberty International and The Epoch Times |  Americans Are Suffering ‘Delusional Psychosis’ About CCP Virus, Psychiatrist Claims; Liberty International and Natural News | Your Dominant Delusion Determines How You Experience “Reality” and How it All Ends for You.
  7. Children’s Health Defense | Quote by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Source: Sovereign’s Handbook by Johnny Liberty (30th Anniversary Edition), p.252 – 254


Sovereign’s Handbook by Johnny Liberty 
(30th Anniversary Edition)
(3-Volume Printed, Bound Book or PDF)

A three-volume, 750+ page tome with an extensive update of the renowned underground classic ~ the Global Sovereign’s Handbook. Still after all these years, this is the most comprehensive book on sovereignty, economics, law, power structures and history ever written. Served as the primary research behind the best-selling Global One Audio Course.Available Now!


Dawning of the Corona Age: Navigating the Pandemic by Johnny Freedom 
(3rd Edition)
(Printed, Bound Book or PDF)

This comprehensive book, goes far beyond the immediate impact of the “pandemic”, but, along with the reader, imagines how our human world may be altered, both positively and negatively, long into an uncertain future. Available Now!

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06. Parental Rights Endangered | New World Order / Deep State | Sovereign’s Handbook

By Johnny Liberty

UN Interference in Child Rearing

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child signed by the United States on February 6, 1995 transferred parental authority to raise one’s children to unelected global policymakers. This treaty fomented the intrusion by the UN into the private affairs of families. To begin, it “mandates” registration of all children of birth, dictates rules about religious training, grants privacy rights to underaged children regarding sex and the related topics of contraceptives, abortion, pornography and transgenderism.

Parents are not allowed to forbid their children to join gangs or cults. If the parents break any of the UN rules they must appear for an inquisition before a tribunal of experts who decide their guilt, innocence and punishment. Concerned Women for America have been fighting to keep this treaty from coming to a vote before the U.S. Senate, but UN officials are now pushing for its ratification, meanwhile implementing these policies anyway.


  1. Wikipedia | UN Convention on the Rights of Child.
  2. Perceptions Magazine (May/June 1996); Reviewed by Estar Holmes, North American News Service, Summer ‘96, p.22.

Source: Sovereign’s Handbook by Johnny Liberty (30th Anniversary Edition), p.251 – 252


Sovereign’s Handbook by Johnny Liberty 
(30th Anniversary Edition)
(3-Volume Printed, Bound Book or PDF)

A three-volume, 750+ page tome with an extensive update of the renowned underground classic ~ the Global Sovereign’s Handbook. Still after all these years, this is the most comprehensive book on sovereignty, economics, law, power structures and history ever written. Served as the primary research behind the best-selling Global One Audio Course.Available Now!


Dawning of the Corona Age: Navigating the Pandemic by Johnny Freedom 
(3rd Edition)
(Printed, Bound Book or PDF)

This comprehensive book, goes far beyond the immediate impact of the “pandemic”, but, along with the reader, imagines how our human world may be altered, both positively and negatively, long into an uncertain future. Available Now!

$25.00 ~ PRINT BOOK
$10.00 ~ EBOOK

06. Health Freedom or Fascism | New World Order / Deep State | Sovereign’s Handbook

By Johnny Liberty

We the People have the “unalienable right” to do with our bodies as we choose, so long as we are not harming another. This is also the Hippocratic Oath which all medical doctors and health practitioners must adhere to. “Do no harm!” 

Breathing fresh air, drinking clean, pure water, and eating organic, chemical and pesticide-free, nutritious food are necessary attributes of any healthy human being. Any local, state, federal, or one world government that presumes to have power over what we do with our bodies is ludicrous, preposterous and dangerous. Physical sovereignty is  paramount and foundational to all the other “aspects of sovereignty”. Without physical sovereignty, we are nothing more than slaves.

All this became quite self-evident during the COVID-19 “plandemic”, when political leaders and public health officials worldwide dictated the conditions of humanity’s lives for much of two years, including “mandating vaccinations” and forced experimental procedures without an individual’s “informed consent”

We the People must stand together and organize against these tyrannical politicians, and public health officials drunk with power. Step one is to take a stand for physical sovereignty over our bodies and never, never relinquish this inherent right and individual power. If the Power structure takes control of our bodies, and we comply willingly, there is little left of our humanity.

Keeping Holistic Modalities Available

We the People must keep holistic and alternative healing modalities available by any means necessary, despite extensive initiatives by Big Pharma to destroy freedom of choice over our bodies and well-being. The FDA, CDC and WHO do everything in their power to make alternatives to Big Pharma either “illegal” or inaccessible.

“The FDA protects Big Pharma corporations. The FDA is subsequently rewarded. Using the government’s police powers they attack those who threaten Big Pharma profits. And people still think that the FDA is protecting them!What the FDA is doing and 
what the public thinks it is doing are as different as night and day.”
~ Dr. Herbert Ley, Former U.S. FDA Commissioner 

FDA Raids and Assaults on Health Freedom

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has raided health food stores and alternative health clinics at gunpoint in pursuit of super-vitamins, herbs and other “unapproved” nutritional supplements. The FDA has threatened to arrest ordinary citizens in their homes for purchasing “unapproved”therapies. 

For one of thousands of examples, Kenneth Shuart was threatened with arrest and intimidated in his home when an armed U.S. Marshal and an FDA Enforcement Agent came to his door and informed him that they had seized the KH3 he had ordered from Europe. We the People best protest and expose the FDAs outrageously illegal and unconstitutional actions whenever they arise.  

Mr. Stuart and many others would have additional legal recourse if they understood the principles of sovereignty. Unfortunately, many people in the health freedom movement are still unaware of the power and significance of sovereignty. 

The FDA is a federal U.S. government agency and has no power or authority over American Nationals or sovereign “state” Citizens. If you want to protect health freedom, then reclaim your sovereignty en 

masse to restore the checks and balances that limit the federal U.S. government.

FDA Bullies Life Extension Foundation for Nine Years, Then Backs Down

Beginning in 1987, the Life Extension Foundation was persecuted and prosecuted for years prior to finally winning in federal courts. Afterward, they mounted an extensive campaign to expose other illegal actions by the FDA. 

Unfortunately, the FDA thugs have been running amok for decades, persecuting good doctors, nutritionists, alternative cancer therapists and wellness professionals.

As the story goes, in 1987, two dozen armed FDA agents and U.S. Marshals smashed their way into the Life Extension Foundation offices in Hollywood, FL, with guns drawn. The search warrant later proved to have been obtained through perjured testimony by the FDA agent in charge.

Not finding what the search warrant allowed them to take, the agents grabbed everything they could, including literature, documents, computers and personal belongings not included in the warrant. They seized 5,000 copies of the foundation’s newsletter, which were ready for mailing — a flagrant violation of 1st Amendment rights.

Nine years of legal battles ensued. Evidence showed that the FDA agent in charge had intimidated a radio producer into banning appearances by Life Extension Foundation representatives. Repeatedly, they were threatened to be sent to prison for life if they did not cooperate with the FDA. Foundation owners, William Faloon and Saul Kent, stood their ground and fought back, at enormous personal and business expense.

The U.S. government poured millions of dollars into prosecuting the case, attempting to prove that the Foundation was purveying “unapproved drugs”— such as vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Failing to get the goods in one grand-jury fishing expedition, the FDA started again with a second grand jury, both times terrorizing Foundation witnesses with threats of personal investigation.

Further FDA raids, embargos on vitamin products and interstate terrorism by the FDA failed to induce Faloon and Kent to give up. Instead, they fought back hard with political activities, media counterattacks and legal motions, demonstrating the unconstitutionality of the false charges against them.

In 1991, the Foundation principles were indicted for having informed people in the 1980s about how to obtain life-sustaining drugs from overseas suppliers. Since the FDA has long permitted the importation of “unapproved drugs” for personal use, the Foundation’s action was truly innocent, yet they were arrested, handcuffed and jailed nonetheless.

The FDA’s brutal campaign against the Foundation began to break down. In 1992, it was ordered to return items seized in the first raid and offered a deal to settle the case. After this, the FDA made several other offers, each accompanied by threats, that never materialized.

Then, in 1995, the FDA made its most serious threat yet, claiming new evidence that would certainly send Faloon and Kent to jail for life. This kind of illegal intimidation has been the FDA’s standard operating procedure for decades, and it usually worked, but by the middle of 1995 the FDA offered to guarantee no prison time and even allow them to stay in business. In November 1995, the FDA asked the judge to drop all charges but one, obstruction of justice. Finally in 1996, after nine years of brutal harassment and anguish, the last charge was dropped.

Derailed for almost a decade, the Life Extension Foundation began funding research again, and thanks to its two victorious freedom-fighters, the rest of us can feel braver about facing down unruly U.S. government agencies such as the FDA.

GATT/WTO Crushes Health Supplements in Norway, Threatens United States 

Big Pharma drug cartels invaded the European health-food market. Repressive new laws made herbs and other supplements almost entirely unavailable in Norway. The few that remained carried enormous price tags, and were sold only by corporate pharmacies. The Norwegian laws are identical to the German Codex proposal the U.S. Congress signed when it ratified the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the new GATT. 

Health Choices Threatened by GATT/ WTO and the Codex Alimentarius

In another move to control virtually every minute aspect of our lives, the United States, European and Global Power structure began a campaign to monopolize the dietary supplements industry. 

The U.S. Congress allowed Big Pharma drug cartels to monopolize the vitamin and health products industry via the World Trade Organization (WTO), now controlled by China, which dictates that the U.S. must “harmonize” its regulations governing the manufacture of such products with international standards. or be penalized.

The Codex Alimentarius Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses, now regulates the labeling and manufacturing of dietary supplements worldwide. The Committee is composed of delegates that represent national agencies and international organizations with 90% of the group being dominated by spokespeople for multinational pharmaceutical corporations.

Any delegate can propose regulations to the Committee and those proposals are subjected to a peer review period with votes occurring at various stages in the process. A proposal that runs the gauntlet of peer review unscathed becomes part of the official Codex Alimentarius. 

The only delegate from the “United States” was Elizabeth A Yetley, Ph.D of the FDA. Due to political pressure in the united states of America, she voted on behalf of those who choose health freedom over tyranny.

A draconian proposal called Guidelines for Dietary Supplements would have resulted in the requirement of doctor’s prescriptions for most supplements available in this country, and almost did. The measure, introduced by the German delegation, called for the following:

  1. No dietary supplements to be sold for prophylactic or therapeutic use.
  2. No dietary supplement sold as a food to exceed potency levels set by the commission.
  3. Codex regulations for dietary supplements to become binding.
  4. All new dietary supplements to automatically be banned unless they went through the Codex approval process.

HIV Reappraised as Non-Contagious by Some Scientists and Medical Doctors

A growing numbers of scientists and medical doctors believe AIDS is not contagious and HIV is completely harmless. A newsletter devoted to this controversy, Reappraising AIDS, was published by The Group for the Scientific Reappraisal of the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis. The Group was comprised of university professors, physicians, and community activists who believed this debate should be given a fair public hearing.

Editor Paul Philpott examined a sensational study published in England’s prestigious journal Nature. The study tracked about 2,000 hemophiliacs for 14 years. It documented a startling jump in mortality for those testing HIV-positive, but no increased mortality for those testing HIV-negative.

Mr. Philpott pointed out that the study could find no increased mortality among HIV positive hemophiliacs until 1986, one year after HIV testing was introduced. By that time, roughly half of Darby’s subjects were positive. 

If “HIV positive” causes the deadly AIDS, then why did a large population, 50% comprised of HIV positives, not start dying until AFTER they had been diagnosed/tested as being HIV positive? 

Philpott suggested that the principal cause of AIDS among HIV positive hemophiliacs is aggressive prophylactic treatment with toxic anti-HIV medications and intense anxiety from “HIV-positive” social stigma.He references other studies demonstrating that HIV is actually a relatively benign virus typically found only at very low concentrations, and sometimes not at all in AIDS patients. 

AIDS Was Genetically Engineered

Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola: Nature, Accident or Genocide (1996) by Dr. Leonard Horowitz traced the development of the AIDS virus. Horowitz’s extensive scrutiny of over 2500 scientific papers and government documents revealed that HIV-1 and HIV-2 could both have originated from simian viruses genetically manipulated in laboratory experiments at the National Cancer Institute (NCI).

Dr. Horowitz began his investigation into the source of AIDS in 1993 after reading a U.S. Department of Defense appropriations request for $10 million for development of AIDS-like viruses. He reasoned that the emergence of AIDS coincided with major advances in genetic engineering of mutant viruses that produced immunosuppression and an array of infectious diseases.

In the early 1970s, scientists had isolated specific enzymes and other biochemical processes that induced collapse of the immune system. Research at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) was focused mostly on the sarcoma-leukemia cancer model where immunosuppression, cancer, and death were induced by DNA and RNA manipulation. In some experiments, DNA in simian monkey viruses was commonly replaced with cat leukemia and chicken sarcoma RNA. Dr. Robert Gallo, a top AIDs researcher, used viruses from simian monkeys and mice to insert cancer-causing RNA into human white blood cells.

Dr. Horowitz traced the development of AIDS-like viruses to the mega-military contractor Litton Industries. Litton was the principle supplier of simian monkeys to NCI’s 12 cancer research centers, all located in the “United States”. Litton was also the sixth highest paid biological weapons contractor for the U.S. Army. 

AIDS Statistical Risk is One in Five Million to One in Fifty Million

Most heterosexuals in the united states of America face a very slim chance of getting AIDS, but that is not what D.C. wants the people to know. As reported in The Wall Street Journal, federal U.S. government officials began a nationwide disinformation campaign in 1987, suggesting that AIDS was becoming an epidemic in the general population. A similar campaign of duplicity occurred in Britain as revealed by the London Times.

In fact, federal U.S. government officials knew that the risks of getting AIDS were largely confined to predominately gay men, intravenous drug users, their sex partners and their newborn children. U.S. government officials proceeded with an extensive “disinformation” campaign anyway, likely out of fear that the public might not support increased funding for AIDS research if heterosexuals did not believe they were at risk.

For most heterosexuals, the AIDS risk from a single sex act was one in five million without the use of a condom, and one in 50 million for  those who used condoms – much smaller than the risk of getting hit by lightning. 

Scientific journals later that published findings confirming there was no spread of the AIDS virus into the heterosexual population were suppressed.  The government’s “disinformation” campaign suppressed respectable evidence challenging the entire AIDS theory, including those of Nobel Prize winning scientists.

Why We May Never Read the Book on AIDS?

HIV cannot be the cause of AIDS, according to Dr. Peter Duesberg, a virologist at the University of California (Berkeley). Dr. Duesberg, a scientist of international stature, was credited with defining retroviruses.

His research revealed that HIV was highly over rated as a killer. His theory holds that co-factors, especially drugs used to manage the disease, are the actual killers. About 200 doctors and researchers are coming up with similar conclusions. He even injected HIV infected blood into his own veins to prove his point.

Bryan J. Ellison, one of Dr. Duesberg’s graduate students, wrote a book called, Why We Will Never Win the War on AIDS (1994)? However, it was not available to read for years because a Federal Judge, John E. Sprizzo granted an injunction to halt publication of the book and ordered all existing copies destroyed. Why would the government engage is such blatant “censorship” over a book on HIV/AIDS?

Ellison decided to print 20,000 on his own after he had signed a contract with Alfred J. Regenry. Apparently, Regenry was the second publisher to agree to print the book and then change their minds. What is the government hiding and why would they go to such effort to suppress the truth about HIV/AIDS?

Poisoning the People With Fluoride

The corporate “State” has the police power to add a “toxic substance” to drinking water without violating the rights of its citizens, according to the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Bellasai v. Cuyahoga Falls. 

The California State legislature supports the practice. The legislature passed a “statute”, not a constitutional law, “mandating” the fluoridation of drinking water in over 90% of the state’s municipal water systems. 

The Public Health Service has been endorsing the use of fluoride for years and has its credibility and funding to consider. Apparently, Adolf Hitler put fluoride in the drinking water to make the Jews docile before marching them into the gas chambers.

But isn’t fluoride good for you? After all, no child should be deprived of fluoride, should they? On the contrary, according to John Yiamouyiannis, Ph.D, president of the Safe Water Foundation, “The chronic administration of fluoride in water takes its toll on human health and life… Fluoride in water increases risk of hip fracture, cancer, dental fluorosis and other harmful effects.” Because of his deeply held belief,  Yiamouyiannis spearheaded a campaign to ban fluoride from water systems in California. Why allow the poisoning of 39 million people anyway? 

Here is some of the back story. Petrochemical and steel corporations regularly spew tons of fluorides into the atmosphere and they would lose billions of dollars if fluoride were widely identified as the poison it is.

The biggest winners would be the chemical fertilizer industry as they generate the fluoride that gets dumped in water supplies. Fluoride must be removed from phosphate fertilizer before it is applied to crops, lest they die. The toxic substance has to be put somewhere. Hence, Dr. Yiamouyiannis may have coined the phrase, “The solution to pollution is dilution.”

So why not take that toxic waste, then make a profit on its sale state water suppliers and toothpaste companies?

War on Food, GMO’s and Humanity

A Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) is any organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques that “do not occur naturally by mating or natural recombination”.  A huge variety of organisms have been Genetically-Modified (GM), from animals to plants and microorganisms. Now, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of GM food products distributed worldwide except where prohibited.

Objections were frequently raised over the development of GMO crops, particularly their commercialization and whether food produced from them is safe and what impact growing them has on the environment. Other concerns include the contamination of non-genetically modified crops, control of the food supply, patenting of life and the misuse of intellectual property rights. Those activists who raised these concerns were harassed by Monsanto, absorbed by Bayer in 2018, who is the world’s largest producer of GMO patented seeds.

GMO food safety and labeling were two of the many leading issues with critics. Countries have adopted some regulatory measures to deal with these concerns with some of the most marked differences occurring between the United States and Europe. Many countries, especially in Europe, have banned GMO crops entirely.

Genetically-Modified Humans

U.S. President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed (OWS) brought to market two mRNA products by Pfizer and Moderna, plus one DNA product, by Johnson and Johnson. Vaccine manufacturer Novavax, introduced  NanoFlu, a combined COVID-19/flu jab for trial.

These Big Pharma products were labeled as “vaccines”for marketing purposes and for full indemnity from lawsuits that Big Pharma is privileged to enjoy against injuries and deaths that their products cause. These so-called “vaccines”, or “jabs”, were an entirely new type of genetic experiment, inadequately tested for safety or efficacy, that may permanently alter the human genome for those who took the “jabs” for generations to come, if they are still able to remain fertile and conceive children.

The injection of the novel gene-altering “jab” caused massive biological harm and wide-spread deaths according to both EU Yellow Card and US VAERS death reports. Even official sources were forced to admit that since the introduction of the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) jabs, more people died from injecting the “jab” than from COVID-19.

It was no surprise that COVID-19 jabbed individuals became infected with COVID-19 again, though this was conveniently blamed on a concocted “variants” such as Delta?


  1. Quote from Dr. Herbert Ley, Former U.S. FDA Commissioner.
  2. Wikipedia | Ozone Therapy; Wikipedia | Oxygen Therapy; Oxygen Health | Ozone and Oxygen Therapies. 
  3. Wikipedia | Jonathan Wright (his health clinic was raided by the FDA at gunpoint to confiscate mega vitamins) FDA to Assume New Powers July 1 by Jonathan Collin, M.D., Townsend Letter for Doctors, July 1994, p.687 (specifies the FDA police powers); Constitutional Freedom and The End of Health Freedom with the Hatch Bill and GATT Bill Interface interview with Suzanne Harris by Patrick von Mauck, National Health Federation, Health Freedom News (Nov-Dec. 1994).
  4. Perceptions Magazine (Nov ’96, p.76); Duluth Reader | Why you cannot trust the FDA, WHO, DCD, AAP, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi, Pfizer?; Liberty International Blog
  5. The Free American; Reviewed by Estar Holmes.
  6. Reappraising AIDS | Newsletter
  7. Jim Lorez, Sam Adams Committee for Practical Correspondence.
  8. American’s Bulletin (July/August, p.11); Reviewed by Estar Holmes.
  9. The Trends Journal, Media Bypass (October 1996, p.40); Excerpts from a review by Dr. Michael Skolnick.
  10. Media Bypass, (Vol 4, No. 3); Reviewed by Esther Holmes.
  11. Bellasai v. Cuyahoga Falls.
  12. Perceptions Magazine (May/June 1996); Interview with Dr. Yiamouyiannis; Reviewed by Estar Holmes.
  13. Wikipedia | Genetically Modified Organisms; War on Food, GMO’s, Chemtrails and Geoengineering; Massive Public Support for GMO Labeling Begins the End.
  14. Wikipedia | Operation Warp Speed, now under Biden The White House COVID-19 Response Team.
  15. Wikipedia | Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Rebranded as “Comirnaty”.
  16. Wikipedia | Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. Rebranded as “SpikeVax”.
  17. RT.com | Vaccine-maker Novavax kicks off trial for combined Covid-19/flu jab.
  18. Childrens Health Defense | Leaked Document Reveals ‘Shocking’ Terms of Pfizer’s International Vaccine Agreements; Wikipedia | Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, passed in the U.S. in 2005.
  19. The Wall Will Fall | DNA codes under attack – the vaccine agenda.
  20. Ibid. | Vaccine Impact | By August 2, 2021, the European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, with 20,595 fatalities, and 1,960,607 injuries, following COVID-19 injections.
  21. Natural News | COVID-19 positive patients who were already vaccinated were told the type of “variant” they were infected with cannot be legally disclosed. In actuality, none of the “variants” have been isolated or identified. Once again, Big Pharma and their doctor servants were lying to us.

Source: Sovereign’s Handbook by Johnny Liberty (30th Anniversary Edition), p.243 – 251


Sovereign’s Handbook by Johnny Liberty 
(30th Anniversary Edition)
(3-Volume Printed, Bound Book or PDF)

A three-volume, 750+ page tome with an extensive update of the renowned underground classic ~ the Global Sovereign’s Handbook. Still after all these years, this is the most comprehensive book on sovereignty, economics, law, power structures and history ever written. Served as the primary research behind the best-selling Global One Audio Course.Available Now!


Dawning of the Corona Age: Navigating the Pandemic by Johnny Freedom 
(3rd Edition)
(Printed, Bound Book or PDF)

This comprehensive book, goes far beyond the immediate impact of the “pandemic”, but, along with the reader, imagines how our human world may be altered, both positively and negatively, long into an uncertain future. Available Now!

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06. Building Prisons Instead of Schools | New World Order / Deep State | Sovereign’s Handbook

By Johnny Liberty

If you want to know the heart and soul of a nation, look into its prisons and observe the conditions therein. The heart of the corporate United States has turned cold. The total number of prisoners held by the federal U.S. government has more than doubled between 1995 and 2020.

Our preoccupation with controlling each other has perverted the American Dream into today’s pathetic police state as was the former Soviet Union (USSR). Far too many innocent people behind bars dared to exercise their unalienable rights or were convicted of a drug or an immigration crime.

The “United States” has the highest incarceration rate in the world, with ever more laws passed that criminalize victimless activities. “Three strikes and you are out” should apply first and foremost to elected government officials. 

Today, a higher percentage of “U.S. citizens” are behind bars for political reasons than were political prisoners in South Africa and other countries with alarming track records of human rights abuse. This is evidence of the drumbeat of tyranny marching steadfast upon our shores.

Political Prisoners in the United States of America

We the People do not see that our government has “political prisoners” such as Leonard Peltier, Julian Assange, etc. In all fairness, organizations such as Amnesty International should focus on the treatment of political prisoners in the United States as well as on their international work. It is wise to be aware of the coming holocaust upon human rights abuses in these united states of America

This author has direct experience with the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) and asserts that without doubt at least 70% of the prisoners in the United States have been convicted and incarcerated for “political crimes”. A “political crime” is one legislated by the U.S. Congress or state legislatures where there is no damaged or insured party; where the defendant has merely violated an arbitrary corporate, commercial “statute or regulation”. 

Under the “Common law” there was no crime unless that “plaintiff” can prove there was a damaged or injured party. But under “statutory” law anything can become “illegal”. An important distinction arises between what may be “lawful” and what is “illegal”. Just because it is illegal under statutory law does not automatically make it unlawful under the “Common law”

Pursuant to the separation of powers doctrine, state law is the proper jurisdiction for prosecuting murders, rapists, muggers, burglars and other “Common law” criminals, where there are actual damaged and insured parties. That is unless those crimes are directed at government officials.

In Federal Detention Centers (FDCs), prisons, and camps, you will find the majority of white collar” criminals, “political” criminals and those judged guilty of “crimes against the State”, in other words, crimes against the government”. 

“According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), 2,266,800 adults were incarcerated in U.S. federal and state prisons,  and county jails at year-end 2011— about 0.7% of adults in the U.S. resident population. Additionally, 4,814,200 adults at year-end 2011 were on probation or on parole. In total, 6,977,700 adults were under correctional supervision (probation, parole, jail, or prison) in 2011 – about 2.9% of adults in the U.S. resident population. In addition, there were 70,792 juveniles in juvenile detention in 2010.”

Prison statistics are astounding considering how many new prisons have been built in recent decades. One-thousand thirteen hundred and fifty prisons were built before 1995. One-hundred and fifty new prisons were built in 1995. One-hundred and ten new prisons were built to accommodate 500 prisoners or more from 2000 – 2010.

Who needs all these prisons? Are they built for our security? Do we really need more prisons? Perhaps we need to elect federal and state legislators willing to pass fewer, more reasonable laws that are constitutional. 

There is apparently no shortage of funding when it comes to building prisons, but what about building better schools instead? Why do we have plenty of funding for prisons to cage us, but not enough to staff better schools and teachers? Ask the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) who raise the debt ceiling in the U.S. Congress twice a year. Why are we building more prisons and concentration camps instead of funding better schools and teachers? 

Prisoners at Work

That the entire communist economic system in the former Soviet Union (USSR) was maintained through forced labor camps and prisons was little known. Even in the united states of America, prodigious numbers of prison laborers are working for major corporations such as Microsoft. We think a holocaust of gigantic proportions could never happen in this country. Wake up America, it is already happening now.

Our present conviction rate stands at 93%. When new repressive measures get passed, the conviction rate for the government will go up to 99%, assuring the federal government that if it merely charges you with a crime — the prosecutors are set to win and you will go to jail! Who needs defense attorneys in this scenario? It is a rigged system.
~ Johnny Liberty

Stand Tall, Stand Together for Justice

If the government can come and take any one of us for simply challenging the law and exercising our unalienable rights, then none of us will ever be free. In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “If we don’t hang together, certainly we will hang separately.”

The level of intimidation, fear and torture the federal U.S. government has taught third world dictators, by example, has come home to roost in our own prison system against our own people. If you wish to know the heart of a nation, look inside its jails and prisons. Has the “United States” lost its heart and soul? 

Have our political leaders forgotten what country we live in? Is this the land of the free or the clone of some horrible communist/fascist dictatorship? The media propagandists have twisted the truth into a pretzel and the people must now awaken. If wrongful and unjust imprisonment can happen to other well-meaning, good people, it can happen to us. 

If We the People cannot utilize 
the Common law lien process, 
then neither can the international
bankers, nor the government, 
who act on their behalf.

There is now a double standard of justice:
one for the bankers and the government, 
and quite another for the people.
~ Johnny Liberty


  1. Bureau of Justice Statistics | National Prisoner Statistics Program; Wikipedia | Incarceration in the United States;  Global Research | Prison Industry in the United States: Big Business or a New Form of Slavery; Steven A. Holmes, Ranks of Inmates Reach One Million in a 2 Decade Rise, New York Times, Oct. 28, 1994;  21% of U.S. Inmates are Called NonViolent, New York Times, Feb. 5, 1994 p.9; Rodney Stitch, Defrauding America (1994), p.322 (on political prisoners in the united states of America).
  2. Prison Policy Institute and Prison Gerrymandering Project.
  3. Ibid, p.526;  Sourced from Gia Maisashvili, Chechnya and Russia, Peaceworks, February 1995, p.7;  See also Voices From Prison:  Control Units the Ultimate Inhumanity, North Coast XPress, June/July, 1994, p.30 (on the inhumane conditions in American prisons).
  4. North American News Service, Spring ‘97, p.38.

Source: Sovereign’s Handbook by Johnny Liberty (30th Anniversary Edition), p.241 – 243


Sovereign’s Handbook by Johnny Liberty 
(30th Anniversary Edition)
(3-Volume Printed, Bound Book or PDF)

A three-volume, 750+ page tome with an extensive update of the renowned underground classic ~ the Global Sovereign’s Handbook. Still after all these years, this is the most comprehensive book on sovereignty, economics, law, power structures and history ever written. Served as the primary research behind the best-selling Global One Audio Course.Available Now!


Dawning of the Corona Age: Navigating the Pandemic by Johnny Freedom 
(3rd Edition)
(Printed, Bound Book or PDF)

This comprehensive book, goes far beyond the immediate impact of the “pandemic”, but, along with the reader, imagines how our human world may be altered, both positively and negatively, long into an uncertain future. Available Now!

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06. War on Drugs, War on Sovereign and Human Rights | New World Order / Deep State | Sovereign’s Handbook

By Johnny Liberty

The “war on drugs” was and still is actually a “war on civil liberties, sovereign and human rights”. According to Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) statistics police nationwide made a total of 12,196,959 arrests for all offenses in 2012. Of the total nationwide arrests, 1,552, 432 were for drug-related crimes or which 48.3% were marijuana offenses. There was one pot-related arrest every 42 seconds.

“There were an estimated 1,552,432 arrests for drug-related crimes in 2012 — a slight uptick from the 1,531,251 drug arrests in 2011. Marijuana offenses accounted for 48.3 percent of all drug arrests, a slight reduction from 49.5 percent in 2011, which itself was the highest rate since before 1995. Most marijuana-related arrests were for possession of the drug.”

Wrongful Death of Donald Scott Shot

Donald Scott, a nearly blind rancher was shot and killed by a multi-agency drug task force of over two dozen heavily armed California and federal agents including the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Border Patrol, National Guard and Park Service in Malibu, CA. This consortium of forces mounted a military-type assault under the pretenses of a drug raid (February 2, 1992).

Further examination by the District Attorney proved the Sheriff department’s intent for the raid was the seizure of Scott’s land under drug forfeiture laws.

Anti-Drug Legislation Fuels Growth of Criminal Justice System

The Controlled Substances Act of 1972 and subsequent legislation such as the National Drug and Crime Emergency Act (H.R. 4079), and the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, threw our statutory civil rights and due process out the window.

This “war on drugs” justified all kinds of unconstitutional and unconscionable police activities for the last four decades, including illegal search, improper seizure and the forfeiture of property without a trial. May we never forget violations of 4th, 5th and 6th Amendment rights pursuant to the U.S. Constitution. 

Fortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court declared property forfeitures and illegal seizures unconstitutional, again. Yet still, these violations continue to happen everyday.

The U.S. Supreme Court upheld in 1989 that state and federal agents could confiscate the assets and property of a person who possessed illegal drugs, or who committed a crime, even though charges had not been filed, and there had not been a trial. In December 1993, five of the nine justices held that there must first be a hearing before the property was seized. 

This “war on drugs” was hugely hypocritical considering that the most dangerous drugs were and are legal pharmaceuticals approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and marketed by doctors posing as legal drug dealers, backed with huge advertising budgets. Dealing pharmaceuticals was and is by far the most profitable business on the planet.

The “war on drugs” was preposterous. High-level government officials and the CIA have been involved in the importation of massive amounts of illegal, dangerous drugs over the last four decades to fund their political aspirations and to amass prodigious wealth for corrupt government officials.

Disinformation Drove Drug Prohibition

  According to Allen St. Pierre, Deputy Director of National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), “Beginning in 1988, federal spending on anti drug programs increased more than 300 percent, yet according to government statistics, illicit drug use remained virtually unchanged among adults and actually increased among adolescents.”

Despite the “war on drugs” heroine, cocaine, meth and opiates grew cheaper and more widely available than ever before, even in prisons — the one place you might imagine that the government could have accomplished drug prohibition. Drug prohibition was a failed experiment like alcohol prohibition, so it was doomed to be repealed or legalized. 

Opponents of drug prohibition agreed that the first step toward a solution was to get the federal U.S. government out of the business of prohibiting or regulating it. Instead of solving the problem of drug abuse, state and federal governments decided to partially legalize, license and regulate drugs such as marijuana due to the massive license fees they could derive from the activity much like they did for alcohol. 

The federal U.S. government has too much to gain being engaged in a perpetual drug war, namely power. Like any other war it gains more and more police enforcement power while various enforcement agencies are raking in huge revenues through asset forfeiture laws. There is no incentive for them to legalize or decriminalize drugs.

  The U.S. government’s suppression of illegal drugs drove the market underground and raised the street value because of the risks involved in drug dealing. Supply and demand determined the street price while DEA confiscations reduced supply and street prices rose. 

Decisions about drug use should be up to the individual. If drugs must be regulated it should be on a local or state level, because the smaller a bureaucracy, the more receptive and innovative it can be. Advocates of drug decriminalization leaned toward treating excessive drug abuse as a public health problem, with people locally coming to a decision about what constitutes abuse. Many jurisdictions limited the advertising of drugs, including alcohol and tobacco. Many also included legal pharmaceutical drugs as candidates for abuse until Big Pharma successfully lobbied for unlimited advertising to promote their products.

The federal U.S. government has misapplied hundreds of billions of dollars in its totally ineffective drug war matched by a basic lack of understanding by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) about drug use and abuse. This DEA was politically motivated to expand their power and annual budgets, doing whatever it took to justify an increase each year. The Partnership for Responsible Drug Information refuted the twenty-two (22) major claims made in support of drug prohibition.

Marijuana Prohibition Ineffective

Paul Armentano, publications director for the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), writes, “Contrary to popular myths, marijuana smokers are no different from their non-smoking peers except for their cannabis use… Like most everyone else, these folks are responsible citizens who work hard, raise families, contribute to their communities and want crime-free neighborhoods to live in.”

Mr. Armentano argued that arresting and jailing otherwise law-abiding people was a travesty of justice. NORML estimated that 100 million Americans, more than 41% of the U.S. population, had smoked marijuana at some time in their lives.

Despite its sometimes adverse, long-term affects, many successful business and political leaders admitted to using marijuana. The vast majority of users did not become dependent, and they did not go on to use other illegal drugs. Alcohol and tobacco are just as much “gateway” drugs as marijuana to a small percentage bent on self-destruction.

Marijuana was legal in this country until the early 1900s. The Founders likely smoked it recreationally. Prior to its prohibition, the united states of America was never known as the landof “potheads”. In other words, smoking marijuana was not necessarily a huge problem.

That marijuana use is on the rise, in the wake of stepped up enforcement of existing laws, shows that drug prohibition is a total failure in discouraging use.  It was difficult to predict how or if usage would change with lesser penalties or legalization. Insight could be gained, however, from studying the results of decriminalization laws adopted by 11 American states during the 1970s.

Each state imposed a modest civil fine for minor marijuana offenses. In none of these states did lax laws cause any increase in marijuana use. Usage rates and related attitudes about the drug’s use remained the same in those states as in those that arrested users.

Mr. Armentano argued that, “By continuing to classify all cannabis use as criminal, including adults smoking in the privacy of their homes, we trample the constitutional liberties our nation was founded on; waste police and prosecutorial resources; clog the court system; fill costly and scarce jail and prison space; and needlessly destroy the lives and careers of genuinely good citizens.”

Hawai’i(an) Hemp Activists Suing Prosecutors

Hawai’ian hemp activists Robert Christie and Aaron Anderson sued Hawaii prosecutors Jay Kimura and Kay Iopa for $3 million in civil court. The plaintiffs were busted for possessing hemp seeds they say were sterile. Their complaint is based on being unfairly singled out by the government because of their outspoken views about marijuana. 

The suit alleges the prosecutors violated constitutional rights to “freely speak, petition the government and be free from unjust government repression.” The suit further accuses Kay Iopa of lying about results of tests about the viability of the hemp seeds and of singling out the plaintiffs when similar seeds are commonly sold in stores around Hawai’i. 

Industrial Hemp Movement Grows

Of course hemp and marijuana are not the same “weed”. Marijuana can get you high, but hemp does not. Hemp is used industrially to make rope, food, building materials, etc. Hemp advocates such as Carolyn Moran, owner of Living Tree Paper Company in Eugene, OR, show how growing hemp can alleviate worldwide deforestation.

Moran’s magazine Talking Leaves was printed on 100% tree-free hemp content paper — Tradition Bond — consisting of 10 percent hemp, 10 percent esparto grass, 60 percent agricultural by-products (like cotton  and flax) and 20 percent post-consumer recycled fibers. In the 1990s, Moran foresaw growing of hemp as eventually going mainstream. 

Moran said, “We need to put pressure on the industry to create more plant-based paper…Consumers need to put their money where their conscience is.”

The federal U.S. government did not at first seem to grasp that industrial hemp is a different plant than marijuana raised for mind-altering purposes. They forgot the industrial value of hemp grown widely in early colonial America prior to prohibition. The political fact is that certain industries such as oil, cotton, lobbied effectively to make hemp and marijuana illegal so that their industries would flourish instead of the widely available and easy to grow industrial hemp.

Mari Kane, publisher of Hemp Pages. The International Hemp Journal said, “Hemp provides alternative sources for fabrics, paper, health and beauty aids; building materials, food products and car fuel. It’s a plant that can provide alternatives to almost anything synthetic.”

First steps toward legalization began in Colorado when the state introduced the Hemp Production Act in 1995 and 1996. The bills were defeated both times, but they did receive endorsements from the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) and many other respected groups. The bills main opposition was from the federal Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).

Later on, a protest was sounded by the White House National Drug Council when footwear giant Adidas marketed hemp shoes. 

Adidas defended their product, stating that hemp is a versatile and durable fabric with a proven track record, and that hemp may be the answer to the world’s fiber shortage.

The Agricultural Act of 2014 had permitted the growing and cultivation of industrial hemp for research purposes only. Industrial hemp production remained illegal in this country until the Agricultural Act of 2018 removed hemp from the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). In 2018, U.S. President Donald Trump signed the legislation into law to make industrial hemp legal again.


  1. U.S. News and World Report | Police made one marijuana arrest every 42 seconds in 2012; Drug Policy Facts; Nine Million Arrests, NORML; Anti-Drug Abuse Act (1988) from Pandora’s Box by Alexander Christopher p.525.
  2. Wikipedia | Wrongful Death of Donald Scott; Wikipedia | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF or ATF).
  3. Conservapedia | Controlled Substances Act of 1972; Wikipedia | Removal of Cannabis from Schedule I.
  4. Supreme Court Kills Drug Tax, Associated Press (drug possession taxes were barred); High Quality Textiles and Paper by John Stahl, Perceptions Magazine, Summer 1994, p.26 (on the commercial applications of hemp); Only A Matter of Time: Legal Medical Marijuana by Robert D. Kampia, Perceptions, Spring 1994, p.26 (medical applications of hemp); Good publications include HempLine Journal, Drug Policy Review, F.E.A.R. Chronicles.
  5. U.S. Government Drug Involvement by William Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse, p.473.
  6. Wikipedia | NORML www.norml.org
  7. Partnership for Responsible Drug Information www.prdi.org; AntiShyster (Volume 6, No.2, p.49 and Volume 6, No. 2, p34); Free American (September 1996, p.22); Perceptions Magazine (August/September, 1996, p.84); Reviewed by Estar Holmes. Contact: 14 W. 68th St., New York, NY 10023. (212) 362-1964.
  8. Sourced from NORML.
  9. Statistics from NORML;  Wikipedia | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).
  10. Stop the War on Marijuana Smokers by Paul Armentano, Perceptions Magazine  (October/November 1996). Reviewed by Shay McNamara.
  11. Perceptions Magazine  (March/April ’96).
  12. Liberty International and The Hill | Trump officially legalizes industrial hemp.
  13. Carolyn Moran, Talking Leaves.
  14. Ibid.
  15. Mari Kane, Hemp Pages, The International Hemp Journal; Rethinking Hemp by Anne W. Wilke, E Magazine, July/August 1996; Reviewed by Shay McNamara.

Source: Sovereign’s Handbook by Johnny Liberty (30th Anniversary Edition), p.236 – 240


Sovereign’s Handbook by Johnny Liberty 
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(3-Volume Printed, Bound Book or PDF)

A three-volume, 750+ page tome with an extensive update of the renowned underground classic ~ the Global Sovereign’s Handbook. Still after all these years, this is the most comprehensive book on sovereignty, economics, law, power structures and history ever written. Served as the primary research behind the best-selling Global One Audio Course.Available Now!


Dawning of the Corona Age: Navigating the Pandemic by Johnny Freedom 
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06. Expanded Police Powers and Foreign Military Forces | New World Order / Deep State | Sovereign’s Handbook

By Johnny Liberty

End of National Sovereignty of the United States

Former U.S. Senator Prescott Bush, father to the Bush Dynasty of George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, helped pass a law in 1961, signed by U.S. President John F. Kennedy, to eliminate the U.S. military and to use foreign troops to police the united states of America.

This was the start of a gradual erosion of the national sovereignty of the U.S. government corporation toward that of a New World Order. The destruction of national sovereignty of the united states of America was almost achieved at the turn of the 21st century by relegating the command of our U.S. military to the United Nations (UN). 

Foreign Military and U.S.Police Powers

Supposedly, U.S. President George W. Bush transferred the command of the U.S. military forces to the United Nations (UN) under their direction and control.

The Global Power structure did not hesitate to use the increasing new “police powers” to enforce their plan for a New World Order. For example, in Bosnia, the largest multinational world army since World War II  was assembled with sixty-thousand (60,000) troops.

In 2004, the “United States” has dozens of distinct federal police organizations with over 105,000 troops including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms (BATF) and the U.S. Marshals.

In 2020, there are 697,195 local and state police forces, many of which have been organized “within the United States” under the Multi-Jurisdictional Counter-Drug Task Force (MJCTF) under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. They have long been equipped with military-style weapons, tanks and drones. 

MJCTF was the velvet glove on an iron fist, comprised of not only military and law enforcement personnel, but also of gangsters from the inner city. MJCTF’s avowed purpose was to perform house-to-house search and seizure operations to seize weapons, guns, food reserves and people when ordered. 

The Financial Crime Enforcement Network (FinCEN) were foreign military and secret police brought into the “United States” for deployment against “U.S. citizens” under the authority of an Executive Order (EO) of the U.S. President, Interpol, and the United Nations (UN). 

United Nations (UN) troops have been trained in old military bases in the United States for future actions against We the People, or elsewhere in the world. Since November 11, 1990, UN troops have performed joint military exercises with U.S. troops on U.S. Forest Service land in Arizona, Idaho and Montana. 

Other United Nations (UN) battle groups are in Ft. Drum, NY, Ft. Dix, NJ, NC next to VA, TX panhandle near OK, south of Los Angeles, CA. There are United Nations Naval forces throughout MI, MT and Sacramento, CA.

Along with the National Guard and the U.S. Military, you would imagine this would be enough firepower to wage a war against a now, mostly compliant, agreeable people. 

Except that the U.S. military may not be reliable enough to enforce tyrannical laws or assaults against their neighbors, friends and families unless the soldiers have swallowed the “blue” pill or completed their “woke” training seminars. 

Any soldiers who understand their “oath of allegiance” to the U.S. constitution might offer some resistance to the New World Order plans. There are patriotic U.S. military forces, including the Officer Corp and the Delta Force, that may resist the takeover of our nation by domestic or foreign adversaries.

But soldiers from other countries under the flag of the United Nations (UN) might not be as compassionate in dealing with “U.S. citizen” resistance. Therefore, foreign soldiers may be more reliable fighting forces against the people of the united states of America. 

With the Biden Administration’s “open-border” policies, thousands of fresh, foreign military recruits may be enlisted in the U.S. military, or forced into service due to their illegal status.

Rumors of black military helicopters seen in various locations within the united states of America, many associated with Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) operations are true. They have also been engaged in the surveillance of civilians. I had seen an unmarked, black helicopter hovering over my home and office several days before the Internal Re-Venue Service (IRS) raids of February 28, 2001. As it turned out, the unmarked helicopter were taking infrared photographs to locate computers and other electronic equipment which was verified in the search warrant. 

According to eye witnesses, Russian military equipment was being unloaded at shipping docks, and imported from foreign countries to points in Mexico. There are 800 concentration camps in the “United States” that were recently refurbished. What are “concentration camps or reeducation camps” doing here in the united states of America? We had better ask the question before it is too late.

Persian Gulf War Forces Exposed to Biological and Chemical Agents  

Joyce Riley, RN was afflicted with the Gulf War Syndrome and survived to lead a campaign to help sick and dying veterans being shunned by the Veterans Administration (VA) and the U.S. Department of Defense. She said, “Only 143 American men and women died in the (first) Gulf War. Now 10,000 to 12,000 are dead.”

One of a few allies, former U.S. Senator Donald W. Riegle Jr., Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking Housing and Urban Affairs, released a report in September 1993 revealing that U.S. troops were exposed to chemical and biological warfare agents during the Iraq war. Concerned for the health of U.S. veterans and their families, who were also getting sick, he held a U.S. Senate hearing on February 9, 1994 which revealed Gulf War troops were indeed subjected to experimental vaccinations, irradiated foods, radioactive munitions and a toxic soup of substances released by the Iraq bombings. This was localized nuclear warfare which was never fully disclosed to the soldiers on the battlefield.

His committee requested records from the U.S. Department of Commerce to show the U.S. government approved the sale of biological materials to the Iraq Atomic Energy Commission, the Iraq Ministry of Higher Education, the State Company for Drug Industries and the Ministry of Trade before the war again. These were used as weapons which harmed U.S. troops in the Iraq war.

In 1992, a U.S. Department of Defense report called Conduct of the Persian Gulf War said: “(Iraq’s) advanced and aggressive biological warfare program was the most advanced in the Arab world…(The) program…concentrated on the development of two agents, botulinum toxin and anthrax bacteria… Delivery means for biological agents ranged from simple aerial bombs and artillery rockets to surface-to-surface missiles.”

Riley showed twenty (20) different biological weapons loaded into the warheads along with cyanide which was used to make the gas mask filters ineffective. “When the U.S. patriot missiles knocked Short-Range Ballistic Missiles, or SCUDS out at 200 feet over the heads of the American troops, they were rained on with biologicals.”

The following biological materials, all of which have potential weapons applications, were sold to the Iraqis by American companies — Bacillus Anthracis, Clostridium Botulinu, Histoplasma Capsalatum, Bruccella Melitensis, and Clostridium Perfringens.

Orders for E. Coli, genetic materials and human bacterial DNA were shipped directly to the Iraq Atomic Energy Commission. The U.S. military was an accomplice in these 10,000 – 12,000 deaths by approving the sale of materials which violated the Geneva Convention. The U.S. military may be doing exactly the same in Ukraine during the Russia-Ukraine police action.

Ms. Riley also said, “The US government and Iraq violated the Geneva Convention of 1972. There are tremendous criminal and political implications in this.”

The symptoms suffered by Persian Gulf War veterans spread to family members and pets, and an inordinate number of the Veteran’s children are born dead or deformed. Ms. Riley revealed that U.S. troops returning from other wars and engagements are exhibited similar symptoms. “Men returning from Somalia were sick, people returning from Bosnia had rashes and a strange viral illness, and troops on a three-month rotation in Kuwait came back sick with a rash.” 

U.S. Companies Profited from Biological Warfare Ingredients in the Persian Gulf War

Despite U.S. Senate hearings and evidence to the contrary, the U.S. Department of Defense and the Veterans Administration (VA) continued to issue reports concluding that they could find no single cause of the health problems of Persian Gulf War veterans. They were of course, lying as usual.
Peter Kawaja, a security specialist who provided security to Product Ingredient Technology (PIT) in Florida and Ishan Barbouf International (IBI), said germ warfare was indeed used in the Persian Gulf War and that the United States sent soldiers into the war knowing biologicals would likely be used. In addition, the hydrogen cyanide used to render gas mask filters ineffective was tested at Product Ingredient Technology (PIT) for over a year prior to the war.

In 1989, Kawaja was asked to install a hydrogen cyanide detection system for the company. He became suspicious of the company’s motives and reported their activities to the CIA, FBI and U.S. Customs.
The U.S. government told him Ishan Barbouf International (IBI) were “international terrorists” and that the government was going to prosecute them. That never happened. 

In 1990, he sent a secret message to the National Security Agency (NSA) warning that Iraqi intelligence was operating in the US close to a classified military facility. He had obtained audio and video recordings, fax transmissions and paper documentation of federal agents, politicians and the “terrorists” regarding connections to Commodity Credit Corporation-Banca Nazionale del Lavorro (CCC-BNL).
To cover up his discoveries, eight federal agents subsequently burst into his office at the International Security Group (ISG) and confiscated videos and other documentation without presenting a search warrant. This evidence was subsequently sealed for “national security” purposes. Four years later, Mr. Kawaja had it unsealed. 

The documents proved that U.S. government agents knew that Barbouti, who had previously built the Pharma-150 Chemical/Biological Complex at Rabta, Libya, had established a chemical warfare production facility at the PIT plant in Florida. The documents showed that the government was familiar with Barbouti’s ownership of CROSS LINK in Belgium which is connected to CCC-BNL.

 Brent Sowcroft of the National Security Council, was a consultant to BNL. Attorney General Janet Reno appointed John Hogan II to investigate BNL, an attorney from Miami, FL who represented Ishan Barouf International. The only major portion of his BNL Task Force Report that was blacked out is on Ishan Barbouti. 

Apparently, U.S. President George Bush, James Baker III, and John Deutch all had financial interests in some of the corporations that developed, sold and transferred the biological and chemical weapons to Iraq before the war, according to Peter Kawaja and doctors, Garth and Nancy Nicholson.

Electromagnetic Warfare by U.S. Military

Potential uses for the Electromagnetic (EMF) spectrum in warfare was described in an Air Force Document called, Low Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology in 1986. In the forward, Newt Gingrich touted the United State’s ability to successfully cope with low-intensity threats, intimating that electronic weapons are the ideal tools to accomplish that goal. They have been used overtly and subtly.

The Pentagon’s energy weapons development program includes high power lasers that disorient the enemy, strobe lights that nauseate uncooperative crowds, and high-powered microwaves that disable electronic components. The U.S. Air Force already deploys flying transmitters that intercept radio transmissions and replace the content to the controller’s liking.

Operation Sleeping Beauty during the Reagan Administration explored ways to disrupt the human nervous system through electro-magnetics. The program sought to manipulate the reason, emotions and physical sensations of subjects and to “unhinge a human’s mind”

Theoretically, practical uses for such electro-magnetic capabilities included the quieting of mobs by triggering mass vomiting, electronically disorienting hostage-takers minds, and the disabling of terrorists holed up in compounds with explosives. In 1990, the U.S. Department of Defense said the Soviets had the ability to produce radio frequency weapons that could disorient people at a distance of a half mile. Apparently, the Soviet’s capacities at mind control were much more sophisticated than those of the United States.

According to Newsweek, Moscow conferred with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) during the Waco siege about their technique of beaming inaudible transmissions into a subjects brain. This method would have caused the Branch Davidian’s leader David Koresh to think he was hearing the voice of God in his head. During Waco, the U.S. Air Force offered the FBI one of its top-secret non-lethal weapons which “would have given [the FBI] the ability to make a surprise attack with a large number of agents.”  After Waco, Former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno asked the Pentagon and the CIA to join her in further exploration of the use of these “non-lethal technologies” for both U.S. military and civilian law enforcement purposes.

Even though these weapons were billed as “non-lethal”, an article written as early as 1980 in Military Review, said, “…There are weapons systems that operate on the power of mind whose lethal capacity has already been demonstrated.”

In 1994, a U.S. Air Force publication, Defense News projected that it was possible to locate anyone on the planet (through their cell phones) and then target them for disruption through thought implantation techniques delivered by future 5G wireless networks. Similar technologies have been developed to pump millions of watts of electricity deep into the Earth and far into the upper atmosphere such as HAARP.

The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) 

The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is a geophysical weapon so powerful, it is still considered today by many to be a weapon of mass destruction.

The U.S. Air Force site near Gakona, AK is home to HAARP, which is only one among many similar installations across the globe’s “superDARN Highway”, an array of High Frequency (HF) radar now covering most of the northern and southern hemispheres.

Drone Warfare

An unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV), also known as a combat drone is an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) that is used for intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance. It carries aircraft weapons such as missiles and/or bombs in hard points for drone strikes. 

These drones are usually under real-time human control, with varying levels of autonomy.Unlike unmanned surveillance and reconnaissance aerial vehicles, UCAVs are used for both drone strikes and battlefield intelligence.


  1. Cato Institute: www.cato.org; Cato Report on Paramilitary Raid.
  2. Liberty International and YouTube | JFK To 911: Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick (film) by Francis Conolly reveals U.S. Senator Prescott Bush’s involvement in the assassination of JFK; Crossing the Rubicon – The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil by Michael Ruppert: Amazon
  3. Public Law 87-297 (1961), Vol #9, USC, p.554 and State Department Paper 7277 (eliminate American armed forces, total disarmament and UN troops would police USA); EO#12148 by President Jimmy Carter (FEMA would command all military forces as deputy U.S. Marshals);  U.S. Marshals have sworn an oath to uphold the United Nations and President George Bush transferred command of the American military forces on September, 11, 2001 (confirmed in Pandora’s Box, p.489.) including the FBI, ATF and U.S. Marshals;  Can the President as Commander in Chief of the United States Military Delegate Power over to the U.N. Secretary General?, The Higher Truth (Vol 1, Issue 1, p.17).
  4. Wikipedia | Federal Police Organization and Troops number 105,000 (2004); Statista | 697,195 local and state police forces; Wikipedia | Multi-Jurisdictional Counterdrug Task Force (MJCTF).
  5. Perceptions Magazine, May/June 1995, p.84; Seeks to create a “rapid strike force” of 2,500 federal law enforcement officers; Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars by Hardford Van Dyke; Amazon; Top secret document that is proof positive of a secret declaration of war against the American people; Sourced from Government’s Liberty…Brings Death To Freedom, p.114; William Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse; The World Economy for the Year 2000, Scientific American, Sep. 1980; U.N. troops are in the U.S. to enforce FEMA and confiscate firearms and support the MJTF search and seizure operations confirmed in Alexander Christopher, Pandora’s Box, p.483; Preposterous legislation has passed the U.S. Congress giving police the authority to behead people; Public Law 102-14; Railroad cars have been spotted in the U.S. with shackles built into the sides, handcuffs and guillotines; Towards The New World Order:  America’s Secret Police Force, Nexus (Feb/March 1994, p.11); Insiders view of FEMA, MJTF and FinCEN.
  6. Wikipedia | Amended Posse Comitatus Act of 1981; Mark Koernke, Former CIA Intelligence Analyst and reputed founder of the Michigan Militia; Alexander Christopher, Pandora’s Box, pp.489-506; There have been many independent sightings of U.N. equipment and soldiers training on American soil;  What are they doing here and why are we not permitted to ask?
  7. Combat Arms Survey which was administered to United States Marines at the Twenty-nine Palms, California, Marin base on May 10, 1994 under the guise of a research project. It asks soldiers if they would obey U.N. officers, and if they would confiscate firearms from American citizens and shoot those who resist; The Higher Truth  (Vol. 1, Issue 1, p.18) and supplied by a young Marine who had answered the survey.
  8. Exotic Research Reports: The Patriot News; Liberty International Archives. 
  9. Exotic Research Reports (Winter 1996); Reviewed by Estar Holmes, North American News Service, Summer ‘96, p.26; Liberty International Archives. 
  10. Exotic Research Reports; Newsweek, (Feb. 7, 1994); Reviewed by Estar Holmes, North American News Service, Summer ‘96, p.38; Liberty International Archives. 
  11. Wikipedia | HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program); Geoengineering Watch | What is HAARP?
  12. Wikipedia | Unmanned combat aerial vehicle.

Source: Sovereign’s Handbook by Johnny Liberty (30th Anniversary Edition), p.229 – 234


Sovereign’s Handbook by Johnny Liberty 
(30th Anniversary Edition)
(3-Volume Printed, Bound Book or PDF)

A three-volume, 750+ page tome with an extensive update of the renowned underground classic ~ the Global Sovereign’s Handbook. Still after all these years, this is the most comprehensive book on sovereignty, economics, law, power structures and history ever written. Served as the primary research behind the best-selling Global One Audio Course.Available Now!


Dawning of the Corona Age: Navigating the Pandemic by Johnny Freedom 
(3rd Edition)
(Printed, Bound Book or PDF)

This comprehensive book, goes far beyond the immediate impact of the “pandemic”, but, along with the reader, imagines how our human world may be altered, both positively and negatively, long into an uncertain future. Available Now!

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06. Police State Actions | New World Order / Deep State | Sovereign’s Handbook

By Johnny Liberty

Life, liberty, happiness and our unalienable rights as American National or sovereign “state” Citizens have been compromised, assaulted, and violated daily by both willing and unconscious agents of the Global Power structure, and the foreign creditors/principals who control the federal U.S. government. The same applies to “U.S. citizens” who have not yet reclaimed their lawful status as sovereign “state” Citizens of the constitutional “Republic”. Thousands of new “statutes” are passed each year by both federal and state legislatures while those elected to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution routinely violate the law of the land. Beware of any smiling bureaucrat from the government at your door saying, “Hi, I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.”

Multifarious federal and state “statutes” have made “criminals” of almost every American, while increasing numbers of people are suffering from unemployment, hunger, sickness, homelessness, imprisonment, and bankruptcy. 

The Global elite’s agenda is to destroy the freedom inherent in the united states of America and around the world, and to control  every facet of our lives. 

Through “statutes” and administrative “rules and regulations”, the federal U.S. government corporation routinely violates your right to privacy, right to contract, right to travel, and rights to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”

Similar to the way Adolph Hitler took control of Germany before World War II by instituting “statutes” and administrative “rules and regulations”, both the United States and Global Power structures are rapidly following suit. Those who did not agree with Hitler’s policies were imprisoned or murdered. Those who did what they were told were conscripted into military service on behalf of the Third Reich.

Dictators such as Hitler took over their government with the full support of the central  bankers and major international corporations, including American companies. These international corporations supplied both sides of the war efforts for profit. 

A similar scenario is being perpetrated by the United States, European, Asian and Global Power structures, not only on the united states of America, but on people from around the world under the banner of the globalist’s New World Order. Legions of attorneys and police erode both the constitutional rights and property from the people. Our own U.S. government has become the “enemy of the people”.

“The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it.” ~ Adolf Hitler

The astute observation that the “United States”,now a “national/global police state”, is an overdue and much needed wake-up call for the united states of America and the people of the world. Decades ago, three U.S. Supreme Court Justices (Stevens, Brennan and Marshall) affirmed in the United States Vs. Salerno re: the Bail Reform Act of 1984 that we are living in a “police state”. George Orwell predicted this in his classic book, 1984.

There may be little sanity until We the People get our government back under the political control of the people and hold those in charge accountable to the people. Truth is now an endangered species, as the greatest “lies of our times” are delivered daily via the corporations delivering media propaganda. This is happening as we plunder the Earth, and each other, perhaps to our own extinction. Are We the People lemmings marching blindly over the cliff to our demise? Is this the next apocalypse? 

In the 1990s, the local, state and federal governments provided 100,000 additional police officers on the street, presumably to fight the illusive and useless “wars on crime and drugs”. The war was never against crime or drugs, but against the free people of a sovereign nation.

As a “U.S. citizen”, if you think for a moment that your constitutional, sovereign and/or civil rights are worth anything, subject to all these statutory intrusions and violations of basic civil and human rights – think again. 

Given the political, economic and environmental crises of our times, reclaiming sovereign “state” Citizenship, restoring the U.S. Constitution of the United States with the Bill of Rights may be our final hope for  restoring “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” in the early years of the 21st century. Why hesitate? What have you got to lose except your chains?

“The truth is in lock-down. Unleash the truth, for it will set you free.” ~ Johnny Liberty

Excessive Police and Paramilitary Actions

There’s a long history of excessive police and military force against private civilians in the united states of America as we covered extensively in the previous chapter. Here’s a few other examples from our archives back in the 1990s:

  • Williams Fights FBI
  • FBI Spies on Famous Americans
  • FBI Raid on CPA Bookstore
  • Does the FBI Spy on its own Whistleblower
  • FBI Attack Against Americans
  • Civil Rights Task Force Raided by Feds
  • Embassy of Heaven Church Attacked
  • FBI Raids Church and Christian University

“For decades, these increasingly frequent raids, 40,000 per year by one estimate, needlessly subjected nonviolent drug offenders, bystanders, and wrongly targeted civilians to the terror of having their homes invaded while they were sleeping, usually by teams of heavily armed paramilitary units dressed not as police or peace officers, but as soldiers. These raids brought unnecessary violence and provocation to nonviolent drug offenders, many of whom were guilty of only misdemeanors. The raids terrorized innocents when police mistakenly targeted the wrong residence. Plus, they have resulted in dozens of needless deaths and injuries, not only of drug offenders, but also of police officers, children, bystanders, and innocent suspects.”

Regardless of their personal, political or religious views, none of these aforementioned people should have been the victims of paramilitary action in times of peace. These paramilitary assaults upon civilians were and are acts of war against We the People and must be stopped. If there is an intentional government war against We the People actually going on, and we assert that there is, then we best be in the know.  If we are under attack, then we have a right not only to know who our enemy is, but also how to defend ourselves. 


  1. Footnote…

Source: Sovereign’s Handbook by Johnny Liberty (30th Anniversary Edition), p.226 – 229


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